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Microscopy report on a smartphone

opseyes helps people like you avoid costly and messy plant upsets by analysing your sludge samples in minutes, and telling you what to do. See it in action >

Total peace of mind about your plant operations with sample testing from the industry’s best.

Opseyes delivers diagnostic and recommendation reports to your inbox in 10 minutes or less, so that you’re able to monitor wastewater quality early and often. The result? Complete confidence that plant operations are up to par.


Opseyes is the first test of its kind, engineered with precision by experts in the field.

Cutting-Edge Tech

We use artificial intelligence developed by Ramboll that’s tested on thousands of datasets.

Microscopy explainer video

Strengthen your compliance record.

With a near-instant turnaround time, you can test early and often, ensuring your plant stays compliant at all times. That translates into:

  • Peace of mind for plant operators

  • Improved, reliable uptime

  • Consistent regulator approval

Microscopy report PDF example - mobile phone - how opseyes works

Wastewater microscopy results in just minutes.

Learn more about opseyes.

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